Distribution + fulfillment

Leverage the latest technology tailored to unique omni-channel requirements

Whether an operation is replenishing stores, shipping e-commerce orders or doing both, retail, wholesale and third-party logistics (3PL) distribution and fulfillment facilities face the same challenges regardless of the products they handle. To remain competitive, facilities in every market must better balance a variety of conflicting demands: Ballooning inventories, but increasingly expensive warehouse space. Faster delivery times, but leaner logistics budgets. Higher throughput requirements, but a dwindling labor pool.

Addressing these challenges requires a focus on innovation and design expertise to deploy warehouse automation solutions in the most efficient, effective manner while optimizing overall output. From smaller, independent facilities to multi-site operations, each industry and application poses unique requirements, with strict standards for traceability, product care, inventory management and more.

LogTech provides the technologies, industry experience and dedicated approach to go above and beyond when solving even the toughest challenges across a variety of multi-channel industries.

44 %
Insufficient space

Nearly half of warehouses identify insufficient space as their biggest challenge

2 697
000 m2

Warehouse space deficit, and the annual demand for warehouse space exceeds supply

28,7 mld

Shared warehouse market growth, major growth expected by 2023

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G Unloading

Unload product from shipping containers or trailers and feed them to downstream processes.

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G Conveying

Maximize throughput of various products and packaging types.

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G Sortation

Move a broad range of products and packaging to the right places at the right time.

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G Storage

Carefully release and control inventory flow.

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G Software

Consolidated software functionality maximizes control and agility.

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Order Fulfillment
G Order Fulfillment

Get orders out the door efficiently and accurately.

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